‘Devon Building’, a book by Peter Beacham

The pictures below show the evolution of ten illustrations used in the book ‘Devon Building, an introduction to local traditions’, edited by Peter Beacham.

Of the ten illustrations, five are of, or based on, identified structures or buildings – the numbers are the illustration numbers in the book:

  • 1.1  A three-room cross-passage house typical of rural Devon, in late sixteenth century phase
  • 1.2  A Devon town house of c.1650, based on Totnes examples
  • 2.2  Bidlake Cottage, Germansweek
  • 2.3  A part-floored medieval farmhouse
  • 2.6  Interior of open hall in Elizabethan times with a central open hearth
  • 3.1  Reconstruction drawing of a late-medieval longhouse seen from the shippon end, based on Sanders, Lettaford (also in Dartmoor Longhouses)
  • 4.2  Hand-threshing with flails in the early nineteenth century
  • 4.6  A nineteenth century bank barn at Shop Farm, Broadwoodwidger (also in Under Roadford)
  • 4.7  A threshing machine driven by a horse engine in operation at the end of the nineteenth century
  • 4.10  A nineteenth century cider press from Coombe Park Farm (also in Under Roadford)